Welcome to my blog, I am an aspiring writer and photographer with a love and passion for easy living and mindful ways.

This Blog is all about the simple life, nature, where I live in a quite little bit of Norfolk and how we utilize EVERYTHING! from gardening to foraging, Aga cooking and recipes decor inspiration and general lifestyle posts… if you have any request please feel free to comment and i will get writing.

It’s okay, to slow down!

I’d like everyone reading this to remember the title of this post ‘It’s okay to slow down’. In a world where everything is FAST – Fast FoodRushing for the bus/trainFast lanesTime limits and constraintsSpeed datingLoose weight FAST schemes Just take the time to really think about your next step!Rushing to get something done is almost…

Living simply in the hectic world.

I get asked all the time ‘what is simple living?’ and i answer very simply… For us it is taking time to appreciate our lives and generally not living by the hustle and bustle of society. So this year has been hectic, with all the extra rules and restrictions on our lives lots of you…

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